David Wright wrote:
> For 1280x720, you could try 1920x1080, or 960x540, according
> to how large you want the characters. With a screen having
> a wide aspect ratio, you might try 1600x900, 800x450, and
> so on (ie native resolution ÷ small integer).

  thank you, i've already got that taken care of by the
what i wrote in the other message.  it wasn't enough to
just change the font, but rerunning the configure step
which copied the relevant files to /etc/<someplace> so
they were available during early boot stage.

  i've not had any more lock ups recently but i'm also
running a different kernel now so perhaps it was a bug in
there someplace that got squashed.  for that i would need
some kind of way to trace everything that is running and
put it in a log that persists, but not so much that it
plugs up my entire system.  i'm hoping it's just fixed and
gone, but ...


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