Le mercredi 09 mars 2022 à 11:14 +0100, Emanuel Berg a écrit :
> When I tried it the last time I looked for a xinit or startx
> which are the ways I start X (from scripts, e.g.
> https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.zprofile )
> I then run a bunch of programs in ~/.xinitrc
> I asked what the equivalence was and was told there
> wasn't any. I was instead pointed to a login manager (I don't
> use one and don't want one).
> Then instead of all my software [1] I saw some weird GUI,
> totally unappealing.
> Is there, this day and age, a Wayland equivalent to
> xinit/startx, the .xinitrc and .Xresources files and so on?
> Or better yet, maybe it can even use them transparently?
> If so, and if it is better, I'd be happy to try ... if not,
> these guys missed an obvious opportunity that should have been
> the way (or one of the available ways) from day 1.
> [1] https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.xinitrc


I use Gnome Classic (with Debian that means Xorg, not Wayland) so I am 
definitely not familiar (nor knowledgeable) with Wayland.

But am I wrong? I was thinking that one could start a Wayland compositor from a 
TTY (so, also from a script), with a particular configuration if she/he wishes, 
and launch GUI programs in this environment?

For example:

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