Le mercredi 09 mars 2022 à 16:29 +0100, Emanuel Berg a écrit :
> didier gaumet wrote:
> > But am I wrong? I was thinking that one could start
> > a Wayland compositor from a TTY (so, also from a script),
> > with a particular configuration if she/he wishes, and launch
> > GUI programs in this environment?
> Okay, that's how I start X (from a tty, tty6 to be precise)
>   https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.zprofile [line 50]
> how do I do the same with Wayland?
> Il frappe ... il frappe duuur

from what I understand (but I am not familiar with nor have never tried all of 

- with X, you launch X with startx that is set up via .xinitrc and/or .xsession 
to suit your goals

- with Wayland, instead, you launch a compositor (a window-manager that 
implements the Wayland protocol, sort of). You have the choice of the 
compositor ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_display_servers#Wayland ).
So how you set up and launch the compositor depends on the compositor chosen , 
I imagine (cf respective manpages).
 And if you want to execute pure X applications that are not Wayland 
compatible, you must first launch Xwayland ( 
https://wiki.debian.org/Wayland#Xwayland )

(as always, if what I say is wrong or inaccurate and someone can correct or 
precise it, please do)

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