On Sun 13 Mar 2022 at 20:04:06 -0500, David Wright wrote:


> By the end of all this, the link should be working, and a file
> like this will have been written (that only root can see):
> # cat /var/lib/iwd/YourSSID.psk 
> [Security]
> PreSharedKey=abdcef0123456789…abdcef0123456789…abdcef0123456789
> Passphrase=yoursecretpassphrase
> #

However, brian (who is not in the netdev group) can do

  iwctl known-networks YourSSID forget

and /var/lib/iwd/YourSSID.psk is deleted.

This user can also successfully execute

  iwctl station wlan0 connect YourSSID

to bring about association with a WAP. Neither should be possible.


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