On Wed 16 Mar 2022 at 22:40:07 (+0000), Brian wrote:
> >   iwd               Highly functional & low resource & DHCP client.
> Thank you for your informative and useful account of iwd. Apologies
> if my snipping is too brutal :).
> It is almost a no-brainer to eastablish a wireless link with iwd. I
> think the single command
>   iwctl station wlan0 connect YourSSI
> should do it.

Yes, assuming you know your SSID (and everything has worked along the way).

> Having said that, it is interesting that a user of a
> presently defunct graphical GUI would choose to take this path.

Me? A GUI? To set up a network? Never have done yet.

Besides, I've set up wicd on low-resource  machines in the past that
never had X running on them. That's the beauty of having a TUI.

> The projected demise of wpasupplicant is premature. For my my use it
> perfecactly fits my needs. The main advantage ove iwd is that it
> integrates very nicely with ifupdown with staticc and roaming setups.
> wpsgui is also a very assistive utility.

I've not had to tell wpasupplicant anything before, because I only ran
ifupdown+wpasupplicant under the original d-i configuration, and then
just until I installed wicd.

The GUI looks as though it's simple to use, but I prefer to be able
to set up networking in the absence of X. The CLI has completion, like
iwd does, which is as well, because the help command is difficult to
use unless you already have some idea of the command vocabulary.
I'm not sure why I could run the GUI as a user, but not the CLI:

  Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: (nil) - re-trying

Perhaps there's something I'm meant to set somewhere.

> OTOH, the Debian iwd package
> does not provide any integration with ifupdown

Does iwd need ifupdown at all? It seems to be able to configure the
interface itself.

> and no one as get has
> published a GUI frontend for it.

I get the impression that that would be seen as bloat.

> However, your post inspired me. The installed size of iwd is a fifth
> that of wpasuppicant. I have machines with only 1 GB of disk space.
> That is a significant saving. So I have ended up with iwd on one of
> them and, with a static stanza in /en/i, can integrate with ifupdown
> to some degree. Happy camping, as they say :).
> Thanks again for giving me some incentive and a bit of fun.


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