On Mon, 18 Apr 2022 02:50:01 +0200 songbird <songb...@anthive.com>

[description of .jnewsrc snipped]

I've tried fiddling with .jnewsrc, but that doesn't seem to be
the problem.  I retrieve news with slrnpull, which retrieves
articles and updates .jnewsrc accordingly.  This has worked
properly both before and after my problem began.  I read the
articles at my leisure using slrn, which shouldn't be going
anywhere near a server; I have the following lines in .slrnrc:

set server_object "spool"
set post-object "slrnpull"
set use_slrnpull 1

I'm trying to figure out why slrn is saying "Server read failed"
when I've told it not to access a server.

>> Oh well, I've been meaning to upgrade my laptop to Bullseye -
>> maybe it's time to nuke slrn and re-install it from scratch.
>  you can uninstall it but that may not clear up the spool for
> the groups, so you'd need to see if that actually works or not.

Again, my issue is not with the spool, but why slrn seems to
be trying to bypass it and access the server directly.  Unless
that "server read failed" message is a red herring...

cgi...@surfnaked.ca (Charlie Gibbs)

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