On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, Tim Woodall wrote:

On Mon, 18 Apr 2022, Charlie Gibbs wrote:

Again, my issue is not with the spool, but why slrn seems to
be trying to bypass it and access the server directly.  Unless
that "server read failed" message is a red herring...

So I got interested and went investigating and I confess that I have
absolutely no idea where slrn configures the server.

I run a inn server on einstein - and I usually connect from einstein so
I assumed perhaps it was localhost - but then I tried from dirac and,
apart from having thousands of unread messages, that also works. But
einstein doesn't appear in .slrnrc on either machine.

So then I did an strace and grepped for einstein in every file it opened
- still nothing...

And yet I see this in the strace:
29838 write(1, "Connecting to host einstein.home"..., 50) = 50

So I'm at a complete loss - but by some magic, somewhere, slrn knows
where to connect and I don't know how but I bet that magic file has got
corrupted on your system...


check this:

Perhaps that has got set somehow - or needs to be set to a specific
value to use the spool.


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