
Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> I've downloaded the latest iso with testing weekly build,

I understand that there are no weekly builds of Debian Live based on
Debian Testing. (I remember people asking for Debian 12 Live ISOs and
being told that currently there are none.)

So can you please tell the exact URLs of the ISOs which you tested,
so that others can try to reproduce the problem ?

> From that command line i can boot the installer with the following commands
> [...]
> grub> linux (hd0,msdos1)/install.amd/gtk/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb1

"root=/dev/sdb1" looks a bit strange, although not really wrong, given
the partition layout of Debian ISOs.

Does it work with "root=/dev/sdb" ?
Did you copy the ISOs to /dev/sdb, as you are supposed to do ?

Given that you mention "weekly build" i guess that you got Debian Installer
ISOs and not Debian Live. If so, then the mailing list in charge would be

If the problem can be reproduced by others, then it is probably worth a
bug report.

Have a nice day :)


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