
Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> So i tried putting the image in the key using Rufus on windows and it works!

Did you use Rufus' "DD" mode or did you let it do its usual thing of
unpacking the ISO into a partition of the USB stick ?
(The latter is not advised by Debian Installation developers.)

> I suspect that the guide i was using (i don't remember where i found it) was
> misleading me as it said to copy the iso on /dev/sdb1, while i probably
> should have copy it to /dev/sdb instead.

Indeed you should have copied it to /dev/sdb.

I stumbled over the line in your initial report

> > > grub> linux (hd0,msdos1)/install.amd/gtk/vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb1

and got suspicious enough to ask

> > Does it work with "root=/dev/sdb" ?

Maybe you would have detected a difference in behavior which would have
proved that your ISO was not put to the proper place on the stick.
Partition 1 in a Debian installation ISO begins at block 0 and thus at
the same block where the overall device begins. So with the ISO at the
right place, there should be no difference ... normally ... :))

I guess you had partition 1 starting at non-0 and some GRUB debris on
/dev/sdb before the start of /dev/sdb1. That debris would then have
given you the grub> prompt.

> Now i tried the same usb key on another laptop, Toshiba, and it
> doesn't boot at all; at least the Asus returned the Grub command line.

Maybe the GRUB software on /dev/sdb was for the wrong firmware ?
Legacy BIOS vs. EFI.
Both firmware types begin the very first stage of booting non-firmware
at different starting points (MBR x86 code vs. EFI partition with FAT
filesystem and boot programs with predefined names).

Have a nice day :)


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