On 4/10/22 8:52 pm, debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:

To use the display without ssh root login. ssh as normal user to
host. Then


su -

export DISPLAY=localhost:10 (or whatever your logged in user DISPLAY
is set to)

xauth add $(xauth -f ~<your user name>/.Xauthority list | tail -1)

Thanks, that worked after a little fiddling. Firstly, /root/.Xauthority
didn't exist, so xauth complained. Touching the file sorted that. And
secondly, the .Xauthority file contained three lines and the one I need
was in the middle :( I suppose that was a result of previous fiddling
about I'd done resulting in extra logins. But removing the last entry
in the file (a) didn't immediately crash anything and (b) let xauth
work next time I ran it :) So success, and many thanks! Oh and

I tested this before I responded. However in my system I can also log in as root and run graphics applications. I did thisĀ  before checking the workaround.

I assume when I ran graphics first as root, the .Xauthority file was created so I didn't get the error you had later. Plus the new .Xauthority file wouldn't have had any garbage in it.


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