On Wed, 05 Oct 2022 10:59:47 -0400
The Wanderer <wande...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> > Sorry, must have missed the memo that made an apparently-typo-ed
> > double question mark into an emoticon.  
> It's not an emoticon. There is a convention, which if I'm not mistaken
> goes back decades and originates well before emoticons (and perhaps
> even *icons* in anything like the modern sense) were ever a thing,
> that "??" indicates not just a question but one asked with an air of
> incredulity.

Chess notation (specifically descriptive notation, for the pedantic)
uses one to three question marks to indicate incredulity, and one to
three exclamation points (!) to indicate surprise, or compliment the
player on a really good move. Those conventions go back at least to the
mid-19th century.

Before anyone protests that he doesn't play chess, so I shouldn't expect
him to know this, I don't. This is explanatory. He has the opportunity
to learn something.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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