On 2022-10-05 at 10:48, debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:

>> On Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 10:30:37AM +0100,
>> debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:

>>> Yes, I am running a GUI as root. It won't run as normal user.
>> You seem to have missed the implied criticism and/or incredulity. 
>> Hint: look at the double question mark.
> Sorry, must have missed the memo that made an apparently-typo-ed
> double question mark into an emoticon.

It's not an emoticon. There is a convention, which if I'm not mistaken
goes back decades and originates well before emoticons (and perhaps even
*icons* in anything like the modern sense) were ever a thing, that "??"
indicates not just a question but one asked with an air of incredulity.

>> Switching to ssh -X root@ with a pubkey would actually *improve*
>> your security, not that you really need a lot of security on your
>> home LAN.
>> Of course that still leaves you running GUI admin programs as
>> root, which is something you'll have to wean yourself from at your
>> own pace.
> Perhaps you could explain why the debian manpage specifically says
> it must be run as root then?

What is "it" here? That is, what is the specific program to whose man
page you're referring? (Identifying the exact man page would probably be
best, for that purpose.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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