Hi Philipp,

I don't have a very long and intense experience with Ansible.

It doesn't seem complex to me, you have to use the same logic as if you were 
doing it manually.
The biggest problem I have encountered is modifying a configuration file whose 
different cases are complex. Even with another method, it would be.

From: Philipp Ewald <philipp.ew...@digionline.de>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 3:39:23 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: is Ansible easy to use?

Hi folks,

is ansible a easy way to configure customized hosts?
First try, its super complicated for me.

Trying to create multiple files with content. It takes more time to create the 
playbook then creating this file by hand (this damn syntax acomplicates 
everything more)
Then formatting is destroyed or need more time on creating the playbook...

It is so hard or im so bad?
Philipp Ewald

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