Jeffrey Walton <> writes:

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 3:19 PM Kamil Jońca <> wrote:
>> Tom Browder <> writes:
>> > I'm going to try to run Win 10 as a VM on my new Deb box following 
>> > instructions I've received on this list.
>> >
>> > Has anyone been able to run a recent version of MacOS as a VM?
>> Apart technical issues, there is licence which AFAIK forbids run MacOS
>> on non-Apple hardware (regardless if it is bare metal or VM). The only
>> exception is (was?) emacos server.
>> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> As long as a discussion includes Debian development or use, it's on
> topic for a Debian mailing list. If OP wishes to run MacOS in his
> Debian hosted VM, that's his business. Confer,

In some countries people can be punished for helping "crime" :) not only
for doing it, so no, this is not "only his business."
Giving advice how to run MacOS against its licence can be sometimes
treated as such helping. (Forgive me terminology - I am not lawyer)

Of coures this can be case where MacOS is running on VM whose host is
debian running on Apple hardware. (IIRC this is permitted)

> I don't recall a time when Debian admins were patrolling for companies
> like Apple or Microsoft. I think that's something you might encounter

Where you see patrolling? I just pointed it out, as I knew that this
uncommon knowledge, and someone accidentally might get into troubles.
(When for example ask on Apple forum for something)



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