On Fri 20 Jan 2023 at 03:43:09 (+0000), Russell L. Harris wrote:
> I have not figured out how to configure the BIOS of a Dell Latitude
> 3510 to cause it to see and boot from a Debian netinst image (Debian
> 11) written to USB flash (8Gbyte Patriot).

Typically you'd tap away at F12 after turning it on, and that would
give you a one-time menu for where to boot from.

The F12 facility can be turned off, in which case you'd have to
tap away at F2 instead, which would give you access to the full
BIOS. The Boot Sequence will be somewhere in there, like (D430):

  Boot Sequence

  1              USB Storage Device
  2              CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
  3              Diskette Drive
  4              Internal HDD

                 Cardbus NIC
                 D/Dock PCI slot NIC
                 Onboard NIC

"Tap away" because the time window for pressing the key can be quite
narrow, as the progress bar sweeps across the screen during POST.


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