Am Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 02:16:57PM +0100 schrieb Mario Marietto:

Hi Mario,

> I still do not understand why,when I remove files on a ZFS disk using
> commands like (rm and rm -r),the left space does not increase,but it
> decreases. I would like to know what I can do to free some space if
> removing files does not work. 

If you have snapshots in a data set and rm files they still can be
accessed in the hidden .zfs directories. Therefore the free space
should remain almost the same until you delete the snapshos.

> And I don't understand why a ZFS disk goes
> fast out of space. This does not happen with an UFS disk. 

I have not observed that on my systems, but I have not stressed them a

> From what I've
> understood every snapshot created with the ZFS mechanisms contains a full
> FreeBSD system. Am I right ? Do you confirm this ? If this is true,ZFS is
> too much space consuming and it will explain why the space will end very
> fast on the disk. That's not good for sure. 

A snapshot contains the references to files. Beside of management
overhead a snapshot does not consume any space. If you modify or
delete files on the data set where the snapshot has been taken off
the original files at the time of the snapshot claim their required
space in the snapshots hidden directory instead of the original data

> Recently I've found a Linux
> distro called "NixOS" which uses another method to create snapshots. It is
> based on a large use of sim/soft and hard links to backup different
> versions of the system libraries. This method is useful when the system is
> upgraded. I would like to ask you if you would like to see this kind of
> solution also on FreeBSD. I really want to see the zfs boot menu suggested
> by Anssi on FreeBSD ! I like it very much ! Do you think it is hard to
> implement it there ?

That sounds a little bit like the software "time machine".

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

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