My illustrious team leaders and senior debian-user list-members,

Thank you for replying to my email and for your help.

The situation is complex. The alteration can't be straightaway applied
by plain replacing.
I will try to illustrate the situation with a clear example:

Suppose I wrote a book book1.txt. I then send it to an editor who
corrects the initial mistakes, altering some lines while doing so,
renaming to another file book2.txt.

When I receive the editor's correction, I don't accept them
straightaway, but based on his suggestions I change my book1 and edit
and alter it further. Diff helps in comparing the two draft editions.

This one cycle could again be repeated.

Dear Mr. l0f4r0:
that pointer,;
indeed helped and led me to icdiff which is wonderful. Unfortunately,
for two very large text files, the terminal truncates the beginning
and just highlights the end sections of the files. Icdiff didn't work
with " | less". But it sure worked with " | more".

Similarly, with diff -y <(fold -s -w72 file1) <(fold -s -w72 file2) -W
200, the beginning is truncated and only the end is displayed. And
yes, it works with " | more". But it is bland. Without colours
differences can't be spotted so easily.

Of course, I could use icdiff part by part also. Though tedious, might
help. But presently, I am thinking of sticking to icdiff with " |

Dear Mr. Kramer:
Thank you. I fondly remember my interactions with you on several
occasions. I checked wdiff and also dwdiff. But they are very bland
and very complicated to handle as dwdiff uses a lot of braces with +
and - signs, but doesn't present the two files side by side for
intuitive/visual comparison.
And regarding your "... A person who writes a sig this long probably
has issues and disrespects (and offends) a large number of readers.
;-) ...", yes it is generally true. For me, the post below your
solution did confuse me, but I am generally adept at skimming and
skipping paras.

Dear Mr. DdB:
I fondly remember my interaction with you some time during May 2022.
Perhaps you have overlooked that I needed text wrapping for diff. I
have checked the synaptic screenshot for meld, have installed and
tried it. But it too suffers from the lack of text wrapping function.
For huge text files it is thus problematic. Is a text wrap option
available? Am I missing something?

Dear Mr. local10:
I can't try kompare though meld appears to be monocrome. Since my
Desktop Environment is lxde, installing kompare, accompanied by a huge
download of kde packages, is impossible unless I use knoppix, which I

Dear Mr. Davidson:
I have already mentioned about diff above. So won't repeat it. But
thank you very much for the line.

Bottom line is: icdiff is wonderful, but from a terminal it becomes
limited. Can;t a good programmer have icdiff ported to GUI? It would
be the best solution available for me, and for people like me.

The above limitations directs me to suggest to Debian Teams across all
Mailing Lists and the Board to have GPT4 added to extend
functionalities of GNU-Linux systems, for example, in this present
case, have icdiff extended to a GUI, and then have gifted and humane
programmers work in tandem with GPT4 to plug in the insecurities
accompanying a new program.

Thank you for your suggestions. Shall be expecting better solutions
with my having explained my needs clearer this time.

Best wishes,
Rajib B

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