    Subject: Re: Which Diff tool could I use for visually comparing
two text files where Word Wrap is possible?
    From: davidson <da***n@fre***lt.or***>
    Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 07:34:39 +0000 (UTC)
    Message-id: <[🔎]>
    In-reply-to: <[🔎]>

Dear Mr. Davidson, thank you for your reply. My lines are interspersed
in between your lines to maintain their relevance.

[   ...   ]
"Didn't work." A remarkably inarticulate non-description, and
uncharacteristic of our honored declaimant.
[   ...   ]
Wow! What exposition! But the inspiration to address my senior
user-group members thus is felt from within, not merely rhetorical.
You all, who guide me so well with your insights and experiences, are
truly my leaders and seniors in the present field. And indeed, I shall
forever remain a novice in these matters.

[   ...   ]

 icdiff file1 file2 | less -R

and report back.
[   ...   ]

Yes, it worked. Worked better than the code-line with " | more".
Mouse-scrolling working both ways. So really thank you.

My need should have been fulfilled so far as the purpose of the
present thread is concerned. But I have another immediately related
query:  how could I capture the output from the code-line with all its
colours to a file on the HDD? Then repeated invoking the line won't be
required.  "> file.txt" drops all colours.

Thank you, my leaders and seniors on the debian-user group for the
support that you have provided.

Best wishes,
Rajib B

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