On Mon, 03 Apr 2023 02:15:10 +0200
Emanuel Berg <in...@dataswamp.org> wrote:


> I agree but I think maybe the success of Python, and its
> development speed, is actually because of some of that
> rigidness, yes, including the whitespace lack of freedom.

I'm no great programmer, and many posters in this thread are certainly
far more proficient than I, but one of the things that ultimately drove
me from Perl to Python is the striking contrast between Perl's
TIMTOWTDI with Python's "There should be one -- and preferably only one
-- obvious way to do it." Maybe good programmers like TIMTOWTDI, but
for me, the paradox of choice is strong; programming is hard enough as
it is, and I vastly prefer not having to exert mental energy to decide
on the best way to do something when that's unnecessary.


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