
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 12:05:06PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> My way doesn't need that. But you've made it your lifes work to
> not understand how my way Just Works.

Just for the benefit of any inexperienced people who may read this
in future:

- As pointed out already, Gene's resolv.conf file contains obvious
  syntax errors.

- Gene has been told this many times by many people over the course
  of many years.

- Gene refuses to acknowledge or correct this, nor to stop advising
  other people to copy him.

- How anything Just Works for Gene is a matter of luck, not design.
  Frequently things *don't* Just Work for Gene, and then these
  habits frustrate any attempt to help him. The chances are good
  that in any given situation he will ignore all advice and just
  repost the same problem again in a few weeks, months or years.

- Gene's behaviour does not restrict itself to resolv.conf. A great
  portion of the advice Gene offers on this list is factually

It would be best to corroborate anything Gene advises you to do with
the documentation and other posters. Sometimes he is correct, but
too many times he is not.


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