On 4/11/23 10:04, zithro wrote:
On 11 Apr 2023 04:56, gene heskett wrote:
On 4/10/23 16:53, zithro wrote:
Why can't you follow others advice, hell, if you don't trust us, even the perfectly correct and up-to-date manpages ? After reading the posts of others, I'm more and more thinking your simply a troll (or a RedHat fanatic wasting Debian helpers time for no reason) ...

That is an insult. I bailed out of fedora 15 years ago, tired to being an always sick lab rat for redhat. [...]

Because you answer what you want, I'll re-ask :
"Why can't you follow others advice, hell, if you don't trust us, even
the perfectly correct and up-to-date manpages ?"

Maybe it's a bug in CUPS or w/e soft you're using. Try to find other people having this, or report it as a bug.

Not possible. Michael and I have known each other since the '80's when he was a starving college student. I'll just let it go at that.

?! First, who's Michael, second, even if it's your friend, you won't
fill a bug because of that ?
What if it's really a bug, and other people have the same one ?


If you don't know who Mike Sweet is, why are you hassling me? There's 25 years of history to computing before Linus released his his linux, Michael and I were both there in the trs-80 color computer days and while Mike was take college classes and releasing code for the color computers in the mid 80's, it was sort of a contest among the coco users running os-9 on our coco's, to see who who find and fix the bugs in code he released. os-9 was unix that ran on a 8 bit machine with a 65k max memory.

Keeping networking working on linux has been an art, not a science.
looking at one of my buster machines. /etc/network/interfaces has this:
# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eno1
iface eno1 inet static
        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
        dns-search coyote.den
And it Just Works. But that was way the hell and gone too easy, so it just had to be changed, so that stuff no longer works for bullseye. There is nothing in /etc/network/interfaces.d So let me snoop, here cuz that entry does not exist on this bullseye machine. Looking to see what did make it work, brb. I can't recall which debian, but at one time I had to put it in the last stanza of /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf but I see that's not been touched, here or on a buster machine..
/etc/nsswitch.conf looks default.

So ATM I have no clue what I did because I've forgotten whatever I did to make it work for bullseye, lost in the noise from doing 23 damned installs before someone suggested I unplug all usb, but my key board and mouse are wireless, so I left those buttons plugged it and did yet another install and this one worked. I've since rebuilt my usb tree as it reaches like a weeping willow to nearly every inch of the real estate here. All that re-install BS caused by the installer silently finding a couple usb-serial adaptors and ASSUMING I was blind and using brltty and orca. Has any of you ever tried to use a computer whose keyboard response was delayed by nearly 2 seconds per keystroke because its looking for a 1200 baud tty that isn't there, and then yells the keystroke at you in some idea of a computer voice. Spend 2 weeks trying to use a computer like that, and you'll have a new appreciation for my level of frustration.

It should have asked me if I wanted that crap but did not.

You have all claimed I missed it or told it to install that, but 23 damned times? I'm sure its here someplace because all 24 times I filled in the network details manually and was equally amazed when I still had a network on the after install reboot. That FWIW, was a first.

Everything works except printer sharing and I can't ask cups, my posts to the cups list are apparently routed to /dev/null, so I come here for help and all this dirty laundry gets drug out again. And again. And again. While the question I asked is very carefully ignored. Unreal.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/>

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