On Mon 26 Jun 2023, at 21:13, piorunz <pior...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 26/06/2023 19:17, Gareth Evans wrote:
>> ...but this "recommends" presumably won't be available in a fresh Bookworm 
>> installation, since
>> $ apt policy hddtemp
>> hddtemp:
>>    Installed: 0.3-beta15-54
>>    Candidate: 0.3-beta15-54
>>    Version table:
>>   *** 0.3-beta15-54 100
>>          100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>> $
> Exactly. hddtemp is dormant, won't be included in current stable and
> future releases:

Is this documented anywhere in relation to the current release?

Your link

> https://sources.debian.org/src/hddtemp/0.3-beta15-54/debian/NEWS/

got me searching for some of its key terms (linux drivetemp hwmon) which led to


which says:

"[...] This driver supports reporting the temperature of disk and solid state 
drives with temperature sensors.

If supported, it uses the ATA SCT Command Transport feature to read the current 
drive temperature and, if available, temperature limits as well as historic 
minimum and maximum temperatures. If SCT Command Transport is not supported, 
the driver uses SMART attributes to read the drive temperature.


Sysfs entries

Only the temp1_input attribute is always available. Other attributes are 
available only if reported by the drive. All temperatures are reported in 
milli-degrees Celsius.

temp1_input | Current drive temperature

There are various temp1_input files under /sys/... and it wasn't immediately 
clear where to look.

After some failed experimentation and a web search, I found


which suggests (as adapted for my machine)

$ cat /sys/class/scsi_disk/1:0:0:0/device/hwmon/hwmon3/temp1_input

which matches (at different magnitude)

$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda |grep -i tem
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   065   039   000    Old_age   Always       
-       35 (Min/Max 11/61)

...which seems like a lot of effort to discover something that should 
(shouldn't it?) be documented somewhere in relation to Bookworm?  I couldn't 
find anything in the release notes except some "notable" obsolete packages at 
s5.3, which didn't include hddtemp.  


Just out of interest, is there an authoritative list of packages removed per 
Debian version?  The Bookworm release announcement says 'over 6,296 packages 
have been removed as "obsolete"'


I tried searching with both google and ddg and couldn't find anything 
authoritative looking.

That seems to invite a lot of detective work :)


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