On 26/06/2023 23:01, Gareth Evans wrote:

Exactly. hddtemp is dormant, won't be included in current stable and
future releases:

Is this documented anywhere in relation to the current release?

It's been removed from unstable and testing in 2021, and consequently,
missed Bookworm. It's not going back.
I checked upstream, and last release from the author is from 2008! Wow,
Debian was really patiently repackaging this for all those years.




Your link


got me searching for some of its key terms (linux drivetemp hwmon) which led to

I just added this module to my system, then detected with sensors, all
my HDDs are there. Nice. Now, I have two tools other than hddtemp which
do the job (other one being smartctl).

You don't need to manually grind this, just use sensors-detect after you
modprobe drivetemp. My result:

$ sensors
Adapter: SCSI adapter
temp1:        +28.0°C
Adapter: SCSI adapter
temp1:        +29.0°C
(and so on)

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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