On 8/20/23, gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> I cannot make bashes redirection (cmd 2>&1 >tmp/cmd.log) work in
> Konsole. What terminal actually uses bash for the heavy lifting?

Well, I started out attempting to play along in xfce4-terminal and received:

bash: tmp/cmd.log: No such file or directory

Next I tried konsole which surprised me when it was already installed.
That's when I noticed there's no "/" in front of tmp so I added it.
Was then advised that "cmd" is not installed. I took that as a sign of

That makes me now ask: What error message are you receiving IF you are
receiving error feedback? Mine's now acting like it would perform
properly if "cmd" was installed.

Cindy :)

N.B. Now remember why konsole is installed. It's still majorly doing
all kinds of hinky BAD things with text input. It's still throwing in
extra spacing and lunging text all over the place. YUCK.
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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