On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 04:02:03AM +0100, mick.crane wrote:
> On 2023-08-28 08:29, gene heskett wrote:
> > Somewhere, for some unk reason, there is a sound file file that plays
> > at max volume, usually around 2 AM or slightly later, that is very
> > similar to the 40 yo doorbell in this house. A bing-bong sound that
> > differs from the real doorbell by maybe 5hz in pitch. Wakes me up,
> > spoiling a good nights sleep, maybe a dozen times a year an apparently
> > random dates.
> > 
> As this happens when you are asleep it could be in your head.
> You'd need to have a sound activated recorder on for a year to find out.

It would be easier to set up cron jobs that mute the outgoing audio
channels at bed time, and unmute them at wake-up time.

Of course, figuring out which of your desktop environment's features
is doing this, and stopping it, would be greatly preferred.  And let's
face it, this is almost 100% guaranteed to be some kind of DE alarm
clock feature or something similar.

I'm inclined to think that it actually happens *every* night, but it
only wakes him up a few times a year.  But that's a guess.

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