Still going on with this?

Have you actually looked at those two files:

    /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libsane1.rules and 

to see if they're identical or not and to see if you might have an idea
how to merge them?
[ as I suggested a week ago.  ]

`usrmerge` did give you a pretty clear explanation of the problem it's
facing (AFAIC) and I believe it should be very easy to address it (no
need to play with anything funny like setting up a VM or mounting
the disk from some other system).

If you're not sure what to do with those two files, show them to us.


Marco [2023-09-14 20:28:59] wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:20:09 -0400
> Dan Ritter <> wrote:
>> > FreeBSD (actually a TrueNAS appliance)  
>> If it supports the 9P share system, Debian can mount that with
>> -t 9p.
>> I don't know whether TrueNAS enabled that.
> No it does not. I just confirmed, the only choices are raw disk
> access (ZVOL), NFS and Samba.
> However, usrmerge is a perl script. Can I run it on the server
> (after chroot'ing) in a jail (under FreeBSD)? Or does this mess
> things up? Just a thought.
> Marco

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