gene heskett wrote:
> On 9/16/23 06:07, songbird wrote:
>> gene heskett wrote:
>> ...
>>> This setup worked instantly under buster and bullseye, but takes from 30
>>> secs to 5 minutes to open a write requestor window asking where to put
>>> the download I clicked on under bookworrm.
>>    trace the first part of the process and see what is
>> taking so long.
> I'd love to, but how do you trace a mouse click?  All the 
> "alphabet-trace" utils I know are cli only. Probably my fault, but...

  replace the /usr/bin/<name> by a script which traces 
the <name> in question...  or if it is X related there
are probably ways of tracing X.

  it might be a desktop, greeter or a window manager 
binary of some type but you should eventually be able 
to figure out what is going on.


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