On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 5:14 PM Van Snyder <van.sny...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2023-10-30 at 19:40 +0000, piorunz wrote:
> On 30/10/2023 18:56, Van Snyder wrote:
> Firefox, in every version I've used so far, appears to have memory
> leaks. If I kill it, not by clicking its little "X" or Alt-F4, but with
> "kill -9", so that it reopens everything when I restart it, my memory
> usage immediately drops by 75%. Then it creeps back up.
> Firefox doesn't have any memory leaks. It actively uses buffers, cache,
> filling available memory. I have Firefox running for days, sometimes
> weeks. On slow laptop, and fast workstation PC. Same result, no crashes,
> no memory leaks.
> Then why does it use 1/3 as much memory to display the same pages and tabs 
> when I kill it and restart it? That's a symptom of memory leakage.

Do you happen to keep the Web Developer Tools open?  Or console logs
set to persistent?  Those will keep lots of things in memory just in
case you need them as a developer trying to debug an issue.
Generally, if I notice my memory usage going up, I will be sure to
close the Dev Tools and reload the tab a couple of times.  Then,
eventually, the JavaScript garbage collector will kick in and start
releasing the items the Dev Tools have stopped tracking.

FF also has built in performance tools that can be used to determine
what may be using resources.  Menu -> More tools -> Task Manager (aka,
shift-esc or about:processes).

Nothing Debian specific here.
has more details.


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