
it's quite interesting that you use a platform such as wordpress, running code you can not control, to discuss such matters.

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to self host, using a hoster providing decent privacy and aonymity or a technology such as Tor? Given the amount of time and effort you put into your draft, that would not be a big overhead, I think. It would, however, make it clearer that you actually mean it.

Also, what I know about secure, air-gapped systems, can be summarized quite easily:

- You can not use the same hardware air gapped and non air gapped.
- Maintaining such systems is a pain.
- There are no shortcuts.

Small anecdote: A colleague recently visited a US agencies secure site to help them with some software deployment. He could bring one DVD-R, not -RW, there. No electronic equipment.

There are no USB keys, portable disks, or dual-booting devices repeatedly crossing the boundaries there. In particular, there are no exceptions. What you bring in is thoroughly examined and stays in.

All your fancy ideas seem to be about bridging the gap. This will not create security.



Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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