On 12/7/23, Arno Lehmann <a...@its-lehmann.de> wrote:
> it's quite interesting that you use a platform such as wordpress,
> running code you can not control, to discuss such matters.

 I was just brainstorming, dumping a stream of consciousness with a
relatively comprehensive outline of the main ideas.

> Wouldn't it be more reasonable to self host

 That will definitely happen at some point. I will have to test first
the Linux initialization process (it’s runlevels) and how to make it
dance together with GRUB nicely (no mysteries whatsoever there).

> ... using a hoster providing
> decent privacy and aonymity or a technology such as Tor?

 I am not into protagonism and that is not my main line of research,
occupation. I would like to culture (invite more like-minded people to
own) that open source project. Anyone could take over hosting it (I
would pay for the first two years) and anything we do we would openly
(well, almost! ;-)). As they say: true security, privacy, ... can not
be hidden. All we do and say we would to the four winds. Once it is
vetted we could even ask nicely for it to be included as part of the
Debian or some other hosting.

> Also, what I know about secure, air-gapped systems, can be summarized
> quite easily:
> - You can not use the same hardware air gapped and non air gapped.

 I beg to differ and at the end of the day this is something that can
be physically/technically proved. Basically, how could you hack a
computer which you booted without a physical networking interface and
(part of the objectives) without loading the networking capabilities
from the kernel by exploiting Linux' runlevels? All you would need to
do is automating updates to that configuration.

> - Maintaining such systems is a pain.

 Well, not really! Booting a Debian Live DVD doesn't take more time
than booting Windows (from scratch) and the whole idea of using a
package extensions USB pen drive would automate updates. This
basically is all there is to maintaining it. You would be basically
making use of the BIOS and RAM of a computer (you don't even need to
own), you would keep the whole OS and all extras you need in your
shirt's front pocket. If they mess with the BIOS you will notice it
because the thing will not work and it would report the BIOS change
and exactly how, what the difference is and for basic physical reasons
you can't infect a computer's RAM.

> - There are no shortcuts.

 Well, no! ... and this is a good thing! We both, "hackers" and "we
the people", have to follow step by step procedures (what Ancient
Greek thinkers called "techne" and later we meant by "functions" up to
Descartes, before all that non-sensical "black box", I/O mindset took
over), what makes the difference is "the touch of God" and that no one
can take away from you that you could take care of your own security,
privacy (as existential philosophers would say: "absolutely no one,
nothing can take away your freedom").

 Notice that I am not just talking about computer soft and hardware. I
got my education as a theoretical Physicist (basically a double-major
in Physics and Math) an der TU Dresden, so I tend to see, understand
every through its physics.

 1) use a hermetic metal (not plastic, looking like metal!) box (one
of those they use for candies)
 2) turn on your cell phone and carefully put it inside (making sure
it stays on)
 3) close the metal box
 4) right in front of that box place a call to your own phone using another one.
 * since EM waves can't reach your phone it would not only be
functionally off the grid, but off the confines of the universe! and
"Vladimir Putin" couldn't do sh!t about it!
 Isn't that cool!?!?! Now, doesn't it make it even cooler that you can
do such thing without spending one cent?

> Small anecdote: A colleague recently visited a US agencies secure site
> to help them with some software deployment. He could bring one DVD-R,
> not -RW, there. No electronic equipment.

 Well, yes! and how would those kinds of anecdotes speak against a
"touch of God"?

 As anyone could see you could even run a network of detached
computers without networking interfaces in a "touch of God" kind of
way, some sort of "leased One-time pad touches of God" specifically
for each, all coordinated through and which data/information would end
up in a kind of "server", you could even use cell phones to do such
thing ...


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