On 12/9/23, Albretch Mueller <lbrt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  As anyone could see you could even run a network of detached
> computers without networking interfaces in a "touch of God" kind of
> way, some sort of "leased One-time pad touches of God" specifically
> for each, all coordinated through and which data/information would end
> up in a kind of "server", you could even use cell phones to do such
> thing ...

 I could even envision industries around such specifications. The only
reason why such things haven’t happened (would not ever happen?) is
because police, politicians and IT companies (which these days are all
the same) want to run society as if we were all rats in a maze they
control real time in a predictive and cross correlating way in which
everything is ephemeral to "we the people" while they keep a click by
click, keystroke by keystroke, breath by breath, ...  data
Doppelgänger of each of us.

 Something "my paranoia" noticed as part of the Snowden revelations
which IMO hasn’t been aired, questioned, discussed enough was that the
NSA, as part of their "all tangible things" doctrine, was most
interested in people’s medical records. Why?!? Why would "they" care
about people’s health? Isn’t the safety and betterment of society what
they should be interested in? To top it all "we the people" didn’t get
the extent to which they were making fun of us when they said that:
"what matters is how we use that information, not that we collect

 This is how the world we are living in looks like:

// __ 36C3 - The sustainability of safety, security and privacy:


 (7:35) Internet of things or -Internet of Targets-
 (8:15) just as a car has got about 50 computers in it
 (11:20) hospital safety usability failures kill about 2000 people a
year in the UK, just about car accidents (and he was just talking
about impedance in the GUIs! not even about "errare humanum est")
 (12:30) some dude manage to gain access to 450,000 active pace makers over wifi
 (15:20) modern cars have about 10 radio frequency interfaces
 (23:20) initially light bulbs could be on for more than a century,
... these days companies make it from almost impossible to illegal to
fix things in order to make money
 At some point it all became so unbelievable, out of it all weird that
I had to take as some sarcastic theatrics. Like when he showed
hospital rooms and the number of network-enabled, RF devices in it.

 Since things happen for a reason, as part of explaining why Anderson
could have at the very least asked why this is all happening)


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