On 1/15/24 08:03, gene heskett wrote:
On 1/15/24 02:45, David Christensen wrote:
and rsync just locked me up for about the 8th time, requiring the reset button. And that was at a --bwlimit=5m.
rebooted, running test=short on the SSD, looks fine
restarted rsync -av --bwlimit=3m, but its hung on an .local~akonadi .glass file, two of them total almost 80 gigs! WTH? What the heck bs is akonadi up to?

And I may have a small clue about my lagging, on boot, akonadi is trying to open kwallet, but neither mine, nor roots pw succeeds, is this my 30+ second lag?

Need a kde5 expert here, and I'm not it, kde threw us all under the bus with kde5 & plasma. I'm using tbird which isn't very controllable, but I spent a day trying to get a connection to my isp's imap mail server and failed at passwds, not akonadi is too. Does it have a default pw? IDK.

Thanks David.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.

I think your computer is overloaded with stuff and cruft, and you are trapped in an infinite loop of bugs.

As I have mentioned before, I have installed Debian amd64 BIOS/MBR onto one USB device and installed Debian amd64 UEFI/GPT onto another. These are very useful tools. I suggest you build whichever corresponds to your computer, and use it to help with trouble shooting, backups, etc..


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