
i wrote:
> > *FvwmButtons xterm_ts5 linuxterm.xpm Exec xterm -ls -geometry 80x24 -bg 
> > wheat -fg black -sl 10000 +sb

John Conover wrote:
>                                        ^^^^
>                                        Action 'Exec exec xterm ...'

The framework of this line probably stems from a SuSE Linux of 1999.
It still works with the fvwm of Debian 11.

I now read man 1 FvwmButtons. All applicable descriptions and examples
demand the keyword "Action".

The "exec" before "xterm" is used in some examples of the man page and
mentioned already in my S.R.Bourne of 1983 (without "xterm", of course).
As reasoning i found
I have 63 such processes lingering around. But there are 131 xterms.
Many of them have process 1 as parent. Probably they stem from a script
which i use to populate the 8 "desktops" by a handful of xterms when the
system comes up.

Have a nice day :)


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