On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 08:06:24PM +0100, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


> I have it in ~/.fvwm2rc as:
> *FvwmButtons xterm_ts5 linuxterm.xpm Exec xterm -ls -geometry 80x24 -bg wheat 
> -fg black -sl 10000 +sb
> This causes a button in the button box which creates a new xterm when
> clicked.

I coopted the otherwise useless "Windows" key (aka "Left Super" for
WM things: Super-L makes an xterm:

  # Terminal
  Key   "t"   A   4  Exec exec xterm

(The "4" is the modifier, i.e. Super L). There are more of them,
like starting an Emacs frame, starting a special frame with a
specific buffer for quick notes and things, moving to workspaces,


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