On Fri 19 Jan 2024 at 09:06:05 (+0100), Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > I coopted the otherwise useless "Windows" key (aka "Left Super" for
> > WM things: Super-L makes an xterm:
> >  # Terminal
> >  Key   "t"   A   4  Exec exec xterm
> For me the Flying Windows keys pop up or push down the affected window:
>   Key Super_L A N RaiseLower
>   Key Super_R A N RaiseLower
> What i don't understand in your example is the Keyname "t".
> man fvwm points me to /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h or
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB (which seems not exist in Debian except
> a file "XKeysymDB" of ipackage "xemacs21-support").
> Do you know documentation which describes your "t" ?
> (I see in my configuration that in the past i bound a pseudo-key F34 to
> keycodes 115 and 116 by xmodmap(1) and used the Keyname F34 with fvwm
> command "Key". After some system change i had to google and learned that
> "Super_L" and "Super_R" work without help of xmodmap.)

For my layout, I think these basic querty symbols come from:
/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us, specifically:

    key <AD05> {        [         t,    T               ]       };

with the gb file added for some of my keyboards. For you, perhaps,
I think /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de is complete on its own.

An interactive method of finding the appropriate keysym is to run
xev and look at the keysym in the third line:

  KeyPress event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x4600001,
    root 0x6ab, subw 0x0, time 5446542, (2,170), root:(1324,199),
    state 0x0, keycode 28 (keysym 0x74, t), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (74) "t"
    XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (74) "t"
    XFilterEvent returns: False

  KeyRelease event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x4600001,
    root 0x6ab, subw 0x0, time 5446622, (2,170), root:(1324,199),
    state 0x0, keycode 28 (keysym 0x74, t), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (74) "t"
    XFilterEvent returns: False

This is useful for finding out what all those keys with weird labels
send, like XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86WakeUp, XF86TouchpadOff/On
and so on.

From the examples in man FvwmProxy, it would appear the quotes round
"t" are unnecessary:

       Undo and redo can be easily mapped to any keys.

       Key Z A 3 SendToModule FvwmProxy Undo
       Key R A 3 SendToModule FvwmProxy Redo

The only ordinary key I've modified is "/", which has the name slash,
and must be named as such. I substituted "m" without quotes, and that
worked correctly:

Key  slash  A  CMS  Exec exec xinput-xsession #quiet
Key  m      A  CMS  Exec exec xinput-xsession #quiet


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