On 1/19/24 03:12, Anssi Saari wrote:
gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> writes:

The OOM death of the system was the xfce4 terminal apparently being
set for unlimited scrollback and that was eating the memory. Switching
to Konsole with has the ability to control the scrollback to 200
lines, and its taken all 32G's as .cache and 1536 1k blocks of swap,
and its working w/o any OOM actions I've detected.

It does seem strange to me, even in MS-DOS era I was able to set a
terminal scrollback to 5000 lines without issue, when RAM was maybe 4 MB
and a DOS terminal program probably had access to way less than that. So
does rsync really generate gigabytes of verbose output? Or is
xfce-terminal storing the scrollback in a very inefficient way?

That I can't answer, other than -v outputs a full from / pathlist to everyfile it touchs, and if storing that in ram, I can sure see it eating 32G very quickly when it is moving 335G, it only got around 13G moved before OOM struck and killed the system, on each of probably 15 attempts. Knowing that the tech of an SSD and the common micro-sd has a relatively limited actual write speed after in has used up its input cache of fast ram, I took the v off the -av, and them limited it to 10megs a second, it took around 9 hours and the system acted normally, no OOM problens. I have edited the /etc/stab and am now running on that copy for /home. The raid is now automounted to /raid10 and says its valid, despite the 4th drives log being a mess. My thoughts are to reverse the copy and put it in crontab to keep an uptodate backup of /home until I can re-invent my wrappers for amanda. /home is by far the biggest glop of data, and none of my printers or cnc machines will use more that 10G reach, so I'm inclinded to think of the other 8T of drives as an lvm managed 8T, which should give me room enough to keep 30 days worth of amanda's way of doing things.

But I'm hibernating for the nonce, I woke up at 6 with 6" of new snow on the deck, and the weather fabricators are promising another 24 hours of that, might wind up with 3 or 4 feet of it. I've got coffee, the freezers are well stocked. Boring but safe.

All the messy logs were at hour 21027 so that was a single actual event, probably caused by OOM.

Take care Anssi, stay warm, dry and well where ever you are.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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