On 1/29/24, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sat 27 Jan 2024 at 14:50:25 (+0000), Albretch Mueller wrote:
>> On 1/19/24, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
>> > On Fri 19 Jan 2024 at 22:19:21 (+0000), Albretch Mueller wrote:
>> >>  Package dependencies to me are just DAGs,
>> > Are they? No circular dependencies?
>>  The way I see them, "circular dependencies" are "cultural".
>> "organizational" issues not essentially technical ones. circular
>> dependencies happen in packages which should be part of the same node.
>> Show me examples in which it is not the case.
> To save time, I just used the list's search, and found a reference
> to presumably the wheezy Packages file:
> Package: openjdk-6-jre-headless
> Version: 6b38-1.13.10-1~deb7u1
> Depends: openjdk-6-jre-lib (= 6b38-1.13.10-1~deb7u1), [ … ]
> Package: openjdk-6-jre-lib
> Version: 6b38-1.13.10-1~deb7u1
> Depends: openjdk-6-jre-headless (>= 6b27)
> I guess that example gives you something cultural or
> organisational to chew on?

 Ha! openjdk-6-jre- {headless, lib} both of version
6b38-1.13.10-1~deb7u1 depend on one another! ;-)

>> >> [ … ] I haven’t found a book yet, explaining it all.
>> >> At times I have found great explanations about single aspects.
>> > What sales figures would you expect to see with such a book?
>>  ... and since that sounds to me like ransom money aren't you the one
>> who would determine the amount yourself?
> I haven't a clue what you're rambling on about. Ransom money?
> You originally wrote:
>> >> [ … ] So, to start I would
>> >> like to study the Debian packages and how dpkg establishes and keeps
>> >> those dependencies. What happens on the hire and on the repositories
>> >> with certificates ... I haven’t found a book yet, explaining it all.
>> >> At times I have found great explanations about single aspects.
> For there to be a book on the subject, someone has to invest
> the time and effort to write it, and persuade others to
> proofread and publish it. But who's this book for—a whole
> book … on Debian's APT and dpkg?

 Well, yes! I think that Debian's APT, dpkg, apt-clone, ... within the
context of how they compare to other packaging systems, their essence
and functions has the potential to become  very beneficial to the
Debian and Linux culture. The other day I heard the author of Qubes OS
himself say that his project was not the be all and end all of Linux
security, that the only way to use a computing device with some of
that thing they used to call "privacy" is not to ever connect it to
the Internet (even physically removing the pertinent hardware and
compiling the kernel without networking libraries if it comes to that)
and I remember Linus Torvalds himself saying once publicly that he
never connects his work horse computer to the Internet. He was even
profusely making faces while he did.

 I think Qubes OS in a sense is an aberration, too wasteful
operatively and I do think that you could run the same box in
air-gapped and exposed mode in the "touch of God" way I already

> Perhaps after you've studied your issues long enough, though,
> you might write one.

 ... and I don't know if you care about exact arithmetical computing,
the mind-body link, corpora research, ... but as a way to thank
you/the Debian culture I will let you know what came out of your help.


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