Dnia 2024-02-24, o godz. 12:06:16
gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> napisał(a):

> On 2/24/24 11:03, Loïc Grenié wrote:
> > On Sat Feb 24th, 2024, at 16:03, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > 
> >     Greetings all;
> > 
> >     As most of you know I'm a DM-II, but the recent shortage of
> >     trulicity, a
> >     weekly self administerd shot that helps regulate one's blood
> > guclose levels has got us scrambling for alternatives.  So a month
> > back I bought
> >     one of the so called smart watches that purports to monitor
> > blood sugar.
> > 
> > 
> > "purports" appears to be the correct verb
> > https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/do-not-use-smartwatches-or-smart-rings-measure-blood-glucose-levels-fda-safety-communication
> > <https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/do-not-use-smartwatches-or-smart-rings-measure-blood-glucose-levels-fda-safety-communication>
> >  
> I got a msg from our state AG warning me about these, but it was 2
> days after I had ordered this thing. Too little warning, too late,
> but I'm the curios type, and this device looks good so I would like
> to see how it compares with the antique finger prick model we've been
> using since Hector's great grandfather was a puppy.. New tech
> sometimes work pretty good while the FDA seems to try to protect old
> tech.
> >     (as for the rest of the mail, I have no idea whatsoever).
> > 
> >            Loïc  
> Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

This steers vastly into offtopic but here is a video of someone testing
one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWadFt4vBtY

TL;DR both tested watches were so far off mark they are probably

Mariusz Gronczewski (XANi) <xani...@gmail.com>
GnuPG: 0xEA8ACE64

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