On 1 Jun 2024 10:11 +0200, from to...@tuxteam.de:
>> for years have i been using a self-made backup script [...]
> I won't get into that -- I can't even fathom why you'd need coproc
> for a backup script. I tend to keep things simple -- they tend to
> thank me in failing less often and in more understandable ways.

I agree. There are plenty enough of ready-made backup solutions to
cater to different needs that making one's own shouldn't be needed.

Depending on the format you want your backup in, it's quite possible
that a simple rsync invocation would do. rsnapshot works on top of
rsync and gives you incremental backups with history. That's what I
use (plus some surrounding homegrown scripts, particularly one to
implement a more intelligent old backups purge policy than what
rsnapshot itself offers) and it has worked near perfectly for probably
a decade.

> I didn't try your script, but may be there is a "\n" missing down
> there?
>>> printf "%s\n" "sleep 3;exit" >&6
>                              ^^^

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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