On 6/5/24 13:12, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 06:26:31AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
On 2/19/22 06:31, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
Hi Gene,

You could try apt-get remove (or equivalent) on each of those packages and
see if that clears it. I _know_ this is frustrating as all get out for you
but a clear approach, written down so that you can remember where you got
to will be very helpful.

If all else fails, you can then share it with the list and say "I got to
step X with no problems, then Y happened - help me out here" and we'll
have some better idea. We all jib at you for being vague/not indluding
details but otherwise it is all just guesswork for the usual folk that
hang out here.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

How much longer till trixie is officially out??  What you are proposing
sounds like several days work, and i have other irons in the fire. This
release has been such a disaster for me because the install insists on
installing and configuring orca and brltty w/o asking. I've done 40 some
installs now, trying to stop it from wasting about a second while its
yelling every keystroke at me because it thinks I'm blind. I finally have
orca disabled and the computer is useful. The delays are a pain in the a$$
but i can do work now. It is not useful when orca is using 90% of a 6 core
I5 yelling at me loud enough to announce and pronounce every keystroke or
mouse motion/click loud enough to wake the neighbors.  The first 23 installs
never asked me if I wanted that crap. And if you nuked the orca executable
it would not reboot but hung forever waiting for orca to start. I have it
usable, the installer AFAIAC is broken and I don't want to have to go
through all that again. Until the installer ASKS me if I want it because it
thinks I am blind, I have only one nerve left and and the suggestion that I
do yet another install, is standing on it. Trying to remove it now, it
insists on removing gnome and every dependency. I just checked again with
synaptic, removing either orca or brltty still wants to destroy the system,
Yet all I get when I fuss about the broken installer is "won't fix, not

How long until trixie is out?  Could be 12-15 months.

Are you still running Bullseye there? if so, you should probably upgrade
to Bookworm sometime soon.

Given that I wrote this to you two years ago: you didn't actually take
the suggestion and reinstall. That's OK - but nobody has ever been able
to get to the root cause of brokenness here. Is it a Gene problem or a
problem that hits other people more widely? We don't have details.

They have been given quite a few times, Andy. Simplified, I had just a week before, installed 2 more 2T seagate's, one for amanda, one for boot. I already had /home on a raid10 of 1T samsungs. About 10 days later both of the 2T segates dropped off the bus, never to be heard from again. Research disclosed that they were helium filled drives of shingled architecture, so seagate was using me, at $150 a pop, for a lab rat. At that point it was bullseye. The only other machine that had an optical drive was an old dell in the garage running my original milling machine, so I went to it, and downloaded the bookworm full installer and put it on a dvd. The installer found a couple usb-serial adaptors, ASSUMED they were driving an audio tty, automatically installing and configuring both brltty and orca to start very early in the boot. BUT if they are there but disabled it waits forever for orca to start, which caused the first 23 re-installs. A year+ later I don't recall what i did but they are installed but out of the loop, so with reservations, the machine is usable. The reservations are that its not very stable, x is crashing about halfway thru a workspace change at about 2 week intervals, and anything that opens a path to storage, is frozen for 30 seconds or more if it will wait, or if it won't wait, disables that function but like digiKam, goes thru the motions of downloading from my camera without actually doing it. Fortunately, shotwell works but hangs at startup for 30 secs or more, and does gimp, GpenSCAD and anything else that opens a path to storage. All w/o logging a single error msg,
In gimps case, each cd to a new path invokes the freeze all over again.

I've been a linux only house since 1998 when I put redhat 5.0 on a 400 mhz K6, this "bookworm" is the worst experience I've had in the last 26 years.

So this is the umptieth time I've asked how to fix it, and got recipes for re-installing the basic system as an answer. Mike gave me instructs to run a couple commands, once normally, once while it was hung but the 2nd comnnand I fed to wc -l and got almost 300k lines. Difficult to do in real time because the command itself is subject to the lockout lag.

I see someone else has suggested strip a machine down to nothing and
do a clean install with Debian 12.5. Honestly, that's what I'd do.
If you can't/don't want to take this machine apart - find a spare
machine and do a Debian text mode install then install TDE.

At that point, you'll have a control - a counterpart that you can
check and you'll have done a complete install.

The suggestion that you can remove things and get it to work the
way you want is only valid if you can tell us *exactly* what you've
done so one of us can reproduce the problem. At this distance, that's
unlikely. It's not a complete cop-out but it would be easier if you could
do some sort of clean install. I'd help walk you through the steps: at
this rate, it might have been quicker for me to just airfreight you a
working machine :)

All the very best, as ever,

Same to you Andy.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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