Tom Dial composed on 2024-06-05 00:05 (UTC-0600):

> gene heskett wrote:

>> How much longer till trixie is officially out??  What you are proposing 
>> sounds like several days work, and i have other irons in the fire. This 
>> release has been such a disaster for me because the install insists on 
>> installing and configuring orca and brltty w/o asking. I've done 40 some 
>> installs now, trying to stop it from wasting about a second while its 
>> yelling every keystroke at me because it thinks I'm blind. I finally have 
>> orca disabled and the computer is useful. The delays are a pain in the a$$ 
>> but i can do work now. It is not useful when orca is using 90% of a 6 core 
>> I5 yelling at me loud enough to announce and pronounce every keystroke or 
>> mouse motion/click loud enough to wake the neighbors.  The first 23 installs 
>> never asked me if I wanted that crap.

Did the first 23 include Gnome? Did you want Gnome? Do you still use or prefer
using TDE? If the latter, then you should have no need of Gnome, or its depends 
brltty or orca.

> And if you nuked the orca executable it would not reboot but hung forever 
> waiting for orca to start. I have it usable, the installer AFAIAC is broken 
> and I don't want to have to go through all that again. Until the 
>> installer ASKS me if I want it because it thinks I am blind, I have only one 
>> nerve left and and the suggestion that I do yet another install, is standing 
>> on it. Trying to remove it now, it insists on removing gnome and every 
>> dependency. I just checked again with synaptic, removing either orca or 
>> brltty still wants to destroy the system, Yet all I get when I fuss about 
>> the broken installer is "won't fix, not broken'.

If by "destroy" you mean remove Gnome, and you'd rather be using TDE, then let 
be "destroyed".


> So removing orca would also take gnome, and that probably is unacceptable to 
> you.  

I have bunches of Debian installations, all using TDE, none with brltty, orca or
gnome. I can't remember whether Gene is trying to use TDE, but it really ought 
be an answer to his trouble, unless Gnome is kept, and brltty and orca are not
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
        based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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