On 6/18/24 10:01 AM, John Hasler wrote:
JHHL writes:
Some of us still prefer physical media

Do you mean read-only media?  All media are physical.

No, I mean physical media as opposed to downloads.

Application software, I've resigned myself to downloads, although as I said, I am not happy with software that installs updates of dubious value without so much as a how-do-you-do.

Even operating systems, when there is no other choice available.

But I prefer my books to be in a form made from an eminently sustainable and recyclable resource, a form requiring (at least for the sighted) no auxiliary hardware other than maybe a pair of reading glasses (which I now need even to read screens). A form that can also be adapted to those who read with their fingertips. A form that a publisher cannot yank away from those who paid good money.

As for recorded music and audiovisual content, I again prefer something that cannot be taken away without physically carrying it off. And I have the additional objection here that the most common digital music formats use lossy compression. *VERY* lossy compression. And I find it thoroughly laughable when vinyl-snobs listen to homemade MP3 dubs of their records (surface noise, compression artifacts, and all).

But this is veering far off-topic. My previous message was mainly to point out that the thread title can scare the <censored> out of people, and seems to have very little to do with what the thread is actually *about,* i.e., it appears to be about delivery forms other than optical or magnetic media for OS and application software, and compatibility of disk-images with those forms. Not about *getting rid of* optical media (or magnetic media, for that matter).

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