On 2024-06-29 20:29, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 20:18:02 +0100, mick.crane wrote:
Oh, I see what the question was.
There is "use regular expressions", "use multi line matching" in Geany
I'm not very good at regular expressions.
I'd probably do it 3 times
"search for" <span class="verse" id="V(...)">
"search for" <span class="verse" id="V(..)">
"search for" <span class="verse" id="V(.)">

There's more than one regular expression syntax, so the first step is
to figure out which *kind* of regular expression you're writing.

In a Basic Regular Expression (BRE), you can write "one to three
digits" as:


In an Extended Regular Expression (ERE), you'd remove the backslashes:


Some people would use [0-9] instead of [[:digit:]].  [0-9] should work
in any locale I'm aware of, but is theoretically less portable than
[[:digit:]].  If you're actually doing this by typing a regex into an
editor, then [0-9] might be preferred because it's easier to type.  If
you're writing a program, you should probably go with [[:digit:]].

I'd had a quick look.
the regular expression thing looks to do one character at a time.
<span class="verse" id="V ( now they all match this next character might be a 0 or a 9, this next character might be a 0 or a 9 or not there at all, this next character might be a 0 or a 9 or not there at all ) now check this bit ">
I couldn't see how to do a wild card and if it didn't exist.

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