If it is of any interest...

Two of us are using AMDGPU for Radeon RX 7700 (one computer) and RX 6600 (four 
computers). Two computers have XFCE the other have KDE (no Gnome).

The Radeon RX 7700 runs Arch Linux, the other Debian 12 (Bookworm), all kept up 
to date.

A while ago we had a few lock ups which we put down to what we were doing, like 
having too many tabs open in Firefox while running 100% CPU utilisation while 

However now that we are reducing the number of open tabs, we have not 
experienced a lock up for some time.  It maybe be a result of some of the pages 
that were connected. Issues seemed to happen when certain web sites were 
opened. Only happened so infrequently, it was hard to find a pattern.

I am always concerned about running X11 programs under a Wayland GUI, 
particularly with screen sharing a X11 game or using OBS Studio, something 
which was also what we were doing.

Since we are no longer experiencing lockups, I wonder if your system has become 
stable, and if you have tried limiting what concurrent software you are using, 
particularly mixing X11 and Wayland native programs that are interacting with 
each other. I can only imagine the hoops the software is going through, I am 
amazed it all works. 


On Wednesday, 03-07-2024 at 21:31 Richard wrote:
> Have the same issue, though it's pretty much impossible to reproduce it
> reliably. But it seems to be a general issue with the AMDGPU driver in
> Linux 6.1+:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=292673&p=2
> It also seems to already have an official tracker:
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/3163
> Best
> Richard
> Am Mi., 3. Juli 2024 um 01:53 Uhr schrieb CToID <funk...@yahoo.com.tw>:
> > Hello folks,
> >
> > I wonder if any of you who is using an AMD GPU (especially newer ones)
> > has encountered the same problem as I do.
> >
> > My problem is that sometimes the screen just freezes entirely, and I
> > have to switch to another TTY and back in order to get it unstuck.  But
> > the same freeze will usually happen again after I get the things
> > unstuck.  Restart my PC doesn't fix the problem.
> >
> > Here are some informations about my system:
> >
> > - CPU/GPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U w/ Radeon 780M Graphics
> > - vainfo output: in attachment `vainfo-output`
> > - system log: in attachment `sys-log`
> >
> > I do find a workaround online somewhere, that is to set
> > `amdgpu.vm_update_mode=3` kernel parameter, and it seems to fix the
> > problem.
> >
> > I never have this kind of problem on Linux distros I used before Debian
> > (Void, OpenSUSE,) so if anyone has some idea why this happens, please
> > give me some advice, thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Best,
> >
> > ID

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