Greg, I do not agree. If I am writing a document with private content, then I 
do not want to let it be read by someone else except me. 

No one has to read any letters or cv's or maybe documents for my lawyer, my 
medic, my friends or whatever. 

And after years there are a lot of documents one is writing, many private 

And i think, no one wants to sharew these with other users on the system!

At least, I won't.



> hobbit:~$ ls -l .ssh
> total 72
> ...
> -rw------- 1 greg greg  1876 Sep 24  2019 id_rsa
> -rw-r--r-- 1 greg greg   394 Sep 24  2019
> The other 99.9% of your files are not secret, so they don't need to
> be hidden.

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