On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 4:26 PM DdB
<debianl...@potentially-spam.de-bruyn.de> wrote:
> Beloved debian users,
>  After years of using GNOME (even back in my Ubuntu-days), i got fed up
> with the ever changing behavior, which came on top of "development
> politics". And since i was/am still on buster, i decided to move forward
> to bookworm-KDE. But i am old and slow. It really took me a month to get
> a sort of minimal version up and running. I call this step:
> proof-of-concept. Now comes the harder part: to really take control of
> this desktop, not like a developer, but as a user. (I am currently
> evaluating to make use of ansible and redo the whole setup, but in a
> reproducible way.)
>  Several issues are bugging me:
> 1. I can't get Window rules to work, neither for wayland nor for x11, i
> seem to be doing those wrong.
> 2. I would really like to have a clickable menu only with my own
> commands/scripts in it, preferably in one single file, not spread out
> over many. Is such a thing available?
> 3. Some applications are not listed by wmctrl -l as if they were not
> managed by the window manager, therefore i cannot move them around in my
> scripts (and windows rules ... i told ya)
> 4. True story: after just one day of living in the new environment, it
> crashed hard, all the open applications were gone. Could be a strange
> are incident, in buster, i had such a thing happen to me only about 4
> times per year!
> Apart from the huge UI change, i also changed the root filesystem (it is
> zfs now, i used to have my data in it before, but this time, it is
> more). To achieve this, i went with zbm (zfsbootmanager) instead of
> grub. tbh: currently, i still use both, switching at least twice per day.
> And i got my VPN client working in KDE, only the iptable rules to
> protect me from acidental leaks (kill switch) need to be reinstalled
> after every boot. How to make them permanent the right way?
> That's it for today, any comment/hint/suggestion warmly welcome, DdB

Answering your titular question. There are debian-kde and
debian-qt-kde mailing lists. See


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