On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 12:36:03 -0700
"Monique Y. Herman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2004-02-18, Anthony Campbell penned:
> > On 18 Feb 2004, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> >> On 2004-02-18, Anthony Campbell penned:
> >> > Also, what is the hostname I have to supply? The FQDN seems to be
> >> > acampbell.org.uk but this is the same for both computers, which
> >> > doesn't seem to be right.
> >> 
> >> Two machines should not resolve to the same FQDN.
> >> 
> >> -- monique
> >> 
> >
> > Can you enlarge on this? One computer, hostname arcadia, resolves to
> > arcadia and (with hostname -f) to acampbell.org.uk.
> >
> > The other, hostname mimosas, resolves to mimosas and (with -f) to
> > acampbell.org.uk.
> >
> > So is something misconfigured?
> Well, here's the thing.  When someone tries to ping acampbell.org.uk,
> which one of those machines do you want the ping to use?
> While I suppose that I could tell two machines that they have the same
> name, and then only refer to one of them by that name externally, it
> sounds like a mess to me.
> I would look in /etc/hosts for both machines and see what is defined
> for both and for the "real" IP address of the machine.
> Note: I am by no means a DNS expert.  It just seems awfully strange to
> me to have two machines believing they have the same name.  While I
> can't think of any exact reason this would cause trouble, I have this
> gut feeling that it would.

There is something called "round-robin dns", among other things, for the
purpose of having multiple machines answer queries for the same domain
name. This is used for domains where web and e-mail traffic is heavy
enough that one server can't handle the load. It's not typically used
(or useful) for things like ssh and can cause a lot of problems if the
servers aren't setup right.

Also, in the instance of multiple servers answering queries for, say,
example.domain.com, each of those servers also has a unique FQDN
associated with them, such as machineA.domain.com and
machineB.domain.com. Because, even though you might want Apache on both
of them to do the same, you need a way to reliably ssh into the one of
your choice should either one ever have problems.

In your case, you want hostname -f to resolve to
arcadia.acampbell.org.uk and mimosas.acampbell.org.uk. (Then, of course,
you still have to have dns setup to point to the appropriate IP for each
of those machines or you won't be able to ssh to them from the internet.
Assuming that's your goal.)


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