On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 06:58:12AM +0000, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> We find (found) ourselves at an impasse, where no actual work can get
> done. The work of maintaining non-free outside of Debian *needs* to be
> done by those who want to keep non-free in Debian. But they aren't
> going to do it while non-free is in Debian.

I understand that you feel like this situation with non-free is something
of a Gordian knot.

And, I understand that you feel that the vote itself will help us decide
what it is that we want to do.

Also, I think the fact that there is no rationale for your "drop
non-free" proposal says a bit more the real state of affairs.  It may
be that any rationale would harm the chances that your proposal would
pass -- is that really the case?  [If so, I'm even more dissapointed
that you haven't provided a rationale.]

However, if the point of this vote is "to decide what it is that we
want to do", then I think we'd be better served with a rationale for
your proposal.


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