On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 05:51:11PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > Group (b) does not want to do this work
> > because they want non-free to be in Debian, not external to it.
> For reference, I don't want to do that work because I think it's a waste
> of time and effort to have a separate archive exclusively for non-free;
> that no one who wants to drop non-free is willing to waste that effort
> suggests to me (along with my own experience) that it's a *significant*
> waste of effort, given that if it were insignificant, someone would've
> already done it just to stop this complaint.

It's certainly a significant waste of effort if you try to do it
without the cooperation of the maintainers of non-free packages. It's
probably also a significant effort to set up an external non-free
archive - but I don't think it's a large one. On the order of a few

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