Le mardi 28 octobre 2008 à 20:38 +0100, Peter Palfrader a écrit :
> So either we, the project, a) work with them and try to convince them of
> the merits of alternate proposals, or b) we could force a system they
> aren't convinced of upon them using a GR - probably not something that
> will work very well in the long run, or c) we replace them or d) we do
> away with the position entirely.

Given that:
 a) Joerg hasn’t even replied once to the alternate proposals;
 b) you cannot force someone to implement something he doesn’t like in
 c) the people with enough time and trust within the project are already
way too busy;

it only leaves with d) as a working solution. Which is approximately
what Lars’ proposal is about. (Well, not about doing away with it
completely, but turning it into a much less burdensome charge.)

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